En novembre 2020, les États Unis ont procédé à de nouveaux tests nucléaires dans l’état du Nevada.
Alors que le TIAN entre en vigueur dans le monde, ces essais sont inacceptables pour Mayors for Peace. A ce titre un courrier a été adressé par MATSUI Kazumi , Président de Mayors for Peace, au Président Donald TRUMP, rappelant que les États Unis agissent en totale opposition à la dynamique internationale d’abolition des armes nucléaires.
His Excellency Mr. Donald Trump, President
Letter of Protest
We have learned that your country conducted a subcritical nuclear test at the Nevada Test Site in November last year.
This test was conducted as the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons is set to enter into force, running completely contrary to the global trend towards the abolition of nuclear weapons. Your country’s actions betray the wishes of the hibakushaand millions of others who seek the abolition of these weapons, and are utterly unacceptable.
I vehemently demand that the United States immediately cease and never again repeat such nuclear testing, conducted in ignorance of global trends and the spirit of Hiroshima which calls for world peace.
MATSUI KazumiMayor of HiroshimaPresident of Mayors for Peace